條款與細則 Terms and Conditions:
每人只限享用課堂乙節。每個電郵及聯絡電話只可登記一次。 Each person is entitled to the offer for once only. Each email and contact number can be registered for once only
課堂不得兌換現金及不得退換。 Offer is not redeemable for cash and non-refundable
不適用於時代生活集團旗下會所會員。 Not applicable to existing club members of the Lifestyle Group
參加者資料只會用作時代生活集團旗下會所作宣傳推廣及體驗課堂之用途。參加者提供之個人資料均為時代生活集團旗下會所所擁有和使用。 All personal details and particulars submitted are owned and used by the Lifestyle Group
LifeFitness可自行更改活動之條款及細則而不需作另行通知。如有任何爭議,LifeFitness保留最終決定權。 LifeFitness reserves the right to amend the Terms and Conditions without prior notice. In case of any disputes, the decision of LifeFitness shall be final
如有任何查詢,歡迎電郵至info@lifefitnesshk.com.hk For inquiry, please feel free to send e-mail to info@lifefitnesshk.com.hk